News & Events - Page 14 of 14 - Merton Talking Newspaper

1,999 Editions Done – Edition 2,000 Next Week

1,999 Editions Done – Edition 2,000 Next Week

15 September 2017

Edition No 1,999 of Merton Talking Newspaper is now available to listen to. Just go the the Download and Listen tab above. Next week we will be producing the 2,000th Edition. There is a reception at the Guardian Centre between 3pm and 7pm for volunteers past and present. A chance to get together and catch Read more >

2000th Edition of Merton Talking News

2000th Edition of Merton Talking News

11 September 2017

On 21 September 2017 Merton Talking News will be compiling our 2000th edition. To mark this significant occasion, we are holding a small reception at the Guardian Centre, 67 Clarendon Road, SW19 2DX between 15:00 to 19:00 on Thursday 21 September 2017 when light refreshments will be available. If you have previously helped out as Read more >

MTN is looking for a new MAGAZINE READER!

MTN is looking for a new MAGAZINE READER!

30 January 2016

One of our stalwart Magazine contributors has just retired after ten years of reading for us, and we now have a space for someone to put together a monthly magazine of about 30 minutes. It would be great if you lived in the borough, and were able to go along on one Thursday per month to record it in the Studio, but if you live a long way away, it is possible with a good microphone, to record an MP3 file, and send it by email or Dropbox. Read more >

Eric Walford, the Father Figure

Eric Walford, the Father Figure

13 January 2016

What is it like having a father who is visually impaired? Here are a few insights into my childhood. Eric Walford appeared in a TV programme called the ascent of man. It was a series of seven programs and one of them was all about sight made by Dr Branowsky where he was shown on the programme, using his white stick. Read more >

Eric Charles Walford MBE, As a Young Man

Eric Charles Walford MBE, As a Young Man

25 November 2015

Some of you reading this will remember him but to others he’s just a name, so here is what is was like growing up with him as my Dad, and how he dealt with life every day, behind the scenes of his public and professional life. In his young twenties, he was a tall dashing man with round glasses who looked a bit like Glen Miller, and before he was registered blind, used to work in the gentlemen’s outfitters called Meakers in Streatham High Road, until his sight became too bad Read more >