Is it time to deck the hall?

The time of year is rapidly approaching to deck the hall
Whilst that is being done why not take the opportunity to listen to edition No 2107 of the talking newspaper? It was edited by Diane Holmes and recorded on 5 December. Reading for Diane were Helen, Claudio, Lazara and Stephen. It is available to download and listen to now.
There is also a new magazine, presented this week by Denny.
Some advance notice for you. On Saturday 14 December, Colliers Wood Chorus and Colliers Wood Community Orchestra will be hosting three other local choirs in Christ Church, Colliers Wood at 7pm for what they promise will be their biggest ever Christmas Extravaganza. This is a pay as much as you like event and will raise funds for the charity Missing People.
Assistance dogs will be most welcome. Pop along and have a listen